Introducing: THA Innovative Solutions!

Introducing: THA Innovative Solutions!

New Name, New Logo, Same Dedicated Team, Same Mission


Our New Logo!

We’re happy to share that our team has rebranded from TCIS to THA Innovative Solutions!  We believe this better aligns us with the rest of the association, both visually and in name.  And more importantly, it clearly communicates to all THA hospital members that we are here to serve them as a part of THA’s broad array of services.

Our History, Our Future

For over 50 years the Solutions team has been a part of THA.  Although we are the for-profit arm by design – fulfilling our original mandate to generate revenue in order to offset and reduce member dues – we are very similar to the other departments of THA – Advocacy, Patient Safety, Education, Workforce Development, Small & Rural, Communications, Information Services, Finance, Reimbursement – in that we share in a common mission, we are here to serve THA members.  Our focus is member-centric, members first.

Why Change?

Although the ‘T’ in TCIS stood for THA, it wasn’t always clear to our members that we were indeed a part of THA.  We were hiding the best part!  By rebranding, we clearly communicate to our members who we are and how we serve them.

See What’s New!

•  Check out our new name and logo
•  Notice our new, easy-to-remember web address:
•  Follow and engage with us on our refreshed and highly-active LinkedIn social channel

Let Us Serve Your Hospital

THA Innovative Solutions connects Tennessee hospital leaders with state-of-the-art vendor solutions, by constantly seeking out new endorsed partners that cater to the needs of THA hospital members.  Each of our endorsed partners are vetted and approved by our Board of Directors which consists of senior hospital executives from across the state.  Reach out to Anne Brandner or Cleta Ehrhart to learn more about how our portfolio of endorsed partners can equip your leaders and support your hospital’s goals.

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